Monday 18 June 2012

Charity Shop Shop

Hey ho,
Been a very busy person of shop shopping in Surbiton (detailed below), Birmingham shopping with the other Crafty Crosk (involving spending what felt like hours in a bead shop trying not to buy everything, and adopting a dwarf hamster), and mega-car booting on Sunday...which I will post a picture of later.
A small charity shop run on Friday led to the following find...

Now I know it doesn't look like much more than a children's craft set, but it is so much more! It cost a tiny £2, and look at all the cool stuff you get!

Yeah boyeeeee!! I may have received a funny look purchasing this massive children's craft collection, but I'm pretty sure that look was jealousy. Just think how much it would have cost for me to purchase a proper adults weaving loom! Plus, the set contains some nice bright wools, some glittery wool, needles, crochet hook, bodkin, french knitter, beads, and much much more! A perfect gift for a crafty starter - not just a child.

That's all I needed to share for today...apart from a little update on how Kenny's present is coming along...

What could it be?!

Slowly but surely...!

That is all.

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