Thursday 21 June 2012

Edward Billig

I have covered the following post because I don't particularly want anyone to read it, but I want to be able to read it. There is probably a fancy way to do this, but I am not particularly clever and so this is all I could come up with. So ignore this! Thank you :)

Two years ago today. That is when we lost him. I still spend every day thinking about him. Everything reminds me of him. A girl at work mentioned that her boyfriend is a Tottenham season ticket holder and I immediately wanted to tell her that he was. 'Was' still sounds so weird. So far I've managed to successfully avoid seeing his friends, who always make me miss him even more and make me more aware that there is someone missing.

Mainly I am still filled with regret about it all. How much I let him down. How I should have been there. I remember vividly the days leading up to the 20th. Friday night spent txting each other silly anagrams of Ryan Seacrest's name. Planning to see him on Saturday for his birthday drinks.

I spent Saturday baking him a sudoku birthday cake. After I had finished it, I thought it wasn't good enough. It looked crap and I thought he wouldn't be impressed. I had been knitting Edd a duck as a birthday present, but it wasn't finished. I txted him to say I wasn't coming for drinks but would meet him in the week for the football. He tried to convince me to come out. I remember a txt saying 'but I've put fresh sheets on!' (he knew I loved the smell in his flat when he put fresh sheet on). But I said no. He replied simply 'Thanks', and that's the last we spoke. I sent him a message on Facebook on his birthday, but I have no idea if he read it or not.

I can't help but feel that things would have been different if I had gone. If I had been there, he wouldn't have gone to the gym. On his birthday. Two years on and I still can't help but feel like I've completely let him down. I wish he was still here so much and I regret being such a crap friend.

People always say it gets better with time. It has been two years. I will never stop hurting or missing him daily. I still love him so much and regret all the times I said no to him more than anything.

It hurts me when I want to look back at things we've done together and we have no photographs of us. We do have a few odd photographs that mean nothing to anyone else, but mean a lot to us. Well, here's one picture that brings back some lovely memories of time well spent.

Edward Billig, I will love you forever.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Car Boot Heaven

Word up.

So this is what we got from car boot heaven!

I have kindly labelled the items. It was a most successful day! I am planning to turn the dominoes into rings. Hopefully they will look nice. The wedding gloves are a present for the other Crafty Crosk who is getting married in October. Yep. I am THAT nice. It is her entire wedding present. It's the thought that counts, right?!

American Splendor is a brilliant film about Harvey Pekar, who wrote comic books. That description doesn't make it sound too brilliant but it really is. The comics were autobiographical, with him talking about everyday stuff, and he even wrote about his treatment for lymphoma. Little bit harrowing but overall pretty brilliant.

Moving swiftly on, I had a bit of a spurt with the present making...

What could it be?! What could it be?!?!

Just a few odds and ends to add in/tie on and then it is finished! Exciting stuff.
THEN I will finally finish off my lovely bunch of knitted flowers to dazzle everyone with. Yayy!

Seacrest out.

Monday 18 June 2012

Charity Shop Shop

Hey ho,
Been a very busy person of shop shopping in Surbiton (detailed below), Birmingham shopping with the other Crafty Crosk (involving spending what felt like hours in a bead shop trying not to buy everything, and adopting a dwarf hamster), and mega-car booting on Sunday...which I will post a picture of later.
A small charity shop run on Friday led to the following find...

Now I know it doesn't look like much more than a children's craft set, but it is so much more! It cost a tiny £2, and look at all the cool stuff you get!

Yeah boyeeeee!! I may have received a funny look purchasing this massive children's craft collection, but I'm pretty sure that look was jealousy. Just think how much it would have cost for me to purchase a proper adults weaving loom! Plus, the set contains some nice bright wools, some glittery wool, needles, crochet hook, bodkin, french knitter, beads, and much much more! A perfect gift for a crafty starter - not just a child.

That's all I needed to share for today...apart from a little update on how Kenny's present is coming along...

What could it be?!

Slowly but surely...!

That is all.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Patrick Vieira and Benson from The Regular Show - Separated at Birth?

Is it just me, or are Patrick Vieira and Benson from The Regular Show separated at birth?


They are exactly the same. Hopefully there will be people out there that know who both of these people are. Ever seen them both in the same place at the same time? No...thought not. This is very suspicious.

They even have the same angry face...


Need I say more?

Tuesday 12 June 2012

I Made Sushi!

That is all.

Kenny Birthday To You!

I mean to say hello of course.
The past two days have been stressful days of job interviews and sickness, so lets think about something else to make me feel better...

Yesterday was Kenny's birthday, and I have made a start on his present, although not yet anywhere near finished...what a terrible friend I am. I am most disappointed with this.

Small beginnings...

Can you tell what it is yet? Clearly not. But soon enough it will be done. Oh yes. I will post some more pictures so we can all play a guessing game. If I remember. In the mean time, here is a lovely song written just for Kennys birthday.

We had an amazing morning on Sunday - twas only a boot sale, but look at the goodies I got!

Books galore

Whhhhhaaaat?? Yes, indeed. For the reasonable price of £2.05 - very specific. Even better when you consider the following...


Susie signed!! Yayy.
Doesn't take a lot to make my day.
I am queen of the boot sale. I'm not sure this is anything to be proud of actually...

Back soon.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Branding myself a fool

Well hello there. Nice to see you (to see you nice?).
I have been working on our brand. Mainly this has involved trying to come up with something nice and creative to go at the top of this page, so that people will see it and think 'my my, those girls are amazing. I would like to purchase all of the goods they sell. For they are both wonderful and competitively priced, too!'
I'm not sure if anyone will ever say that but anyway...

I have thus far made two attempts at awesomeness, but both have presented themselves instead as rubbishness. The first of these was so rubbishy that I didn't even bother to finish. take a look for yourself...


Tsk tsk, I hear you cry. Not that anyone ever cries such a ridiculous noise. But nonetheless, I can sense your disappointment. Well hold your horses there pilgrim, you ain't seen nothing yet...
Behold, attempt number two:

What whhaaaaattt?!?!?!




Yep. That represents an awkward silence. So as you can imagine, I completely lost it at this point. I have given up for the moment. Instead I shall gather some inspiration from this wonderful book by Kari Chapin.

It is both pretty and informative, and I highly recommend it.

Now I will leave you with a picture of some dog abuse. Don't worry, no animal was actually harmed in the making of this photograph. Unless mental torture counts.


Back soon.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Welcome welcome!

Yayy another blog! How exciting. Don't see many of those around these days. This is just a quick note to say hello and how wonderful that I have finally set up that blog I have been thinking about setting up for the past several years! Now if only I had something interesting to say...


Happy end of Jubilee!

We make nice things and we are going to use this blog to show them to you. If you like what we do then please get in touch. We would love to hear from you. More than anything we just love the praise. Tell us we're awesome.

There will be actual nice things to follow...promise.

This blog and everything we make is dedicated to one beautiful lady. We hope she is proud of us.