Sunday 3 February 2013

My Etsy Shop...FINALLY

Happy New Year!!

It is February and therefore far too late to be saying that. This font looks too big.

Anywho, I have finally set up the Croskology Etsy shop! "Woohoo", I hear you shouting, whilst pumping your fist into the air. Now you can finally buy your mother a bouquet of flowers that don't  die by the time you arrive home to give them to her. Or buy your woman friend a bunch that don't look like you picked them up from the petrol station on the way home, when you suddenly realised that the reason she was in a mood with you earlier this morning was because today is your anniversary and you'd forgotten. Or some other such situation. Television tells me these are real life situations. I'm not so sure.

"WHAT IS THE ADDRESS, LADY?!?!?!?!", I hear you bellow...although I didn't hear all those exclamation and question marks - I improvised with those. I'm sure they are accurate though. Well, anyway, here it is:

Go! Look! Buy!

There isn't much on there at the moment, but fret not, as it will soon be full of wondrous goods that you will be yearning for. Well maybe not, but those flowers are pretty enough, aint they?