Wednesday 29 August 2012

Wonky Exclamation Marks are Banned on the Train...

If found, they will be taken away by tentacles.

Just to avoid any confusion.

Edinburgh is nice, init?

So hi there gravy granules.
Granules doesn't look like a proper word there. Strange. Anyway I haven't written anything for ages. That's not strictly true - I wrote many words today at work - but I don't mean that, dingleberries. I mean to say that I have been completely neglecting my bloggo. Which must be a massive disappointment for all of you imaginary people who are reading this. Hi there! Welcome, stranger! Pull up a pew! Which is a foolish thing to say, as you can't really pull a pew - they are pretty much benches. You'd all have to club together and do a '3, 2, 1, pull!'

Er...anyway. Clearly I've been on my own all day and haven't had anyone to talk to. Everything is coming out in one go. Oh dear.


We went to Edinburgh. Pretty there, ain't it? Had a lovely time and saw Roy Walker and everything, and only took one photos the whole time...

Flying ducks

This lovely wall in White Stuff! Lovely duckies. Harry Hill's exhibition was on there. He has a strange obsession with Chris Tarrant. But then, who doesn't?

I saw Josie Long and she was funny and she spat on the floor and she said the c-word and I want her to be my girlfriend please. Thanks. Okay bye.

OOH - also I have been spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to make the stalks of my flowers look normal. Here is one version.

Buttery Biscuit Base?

I've looked at them for too long now and I hate them. I don't know if they are pretty or not, but there you go. You decide, Marcus Bentley.