Saturday 29 December 2012

Where have I been?

Seriously, where HAVE I been?
Mainly here. Hello.
I think it has been several months. Let's see...what have we been doing?


Sarah Crosk got married! This means she is now officially an adult and has to do adult things like cooking proper food and...I dunno...what do adults even do? Ooh - she can't watch cartoons any more. Ha! Shame.
Poor thing.

I made an Adventure Time hat! If anybody in the world would like to see it, I will take a photo and post it soon. Not that anyone really cares that much. Google 'Finn Adventure Time'. You see that hat? Yeah, I made that. There you go. You've pretty much seen it now. Congrats.

Anyway, I got distracted...

Yes, Sarah got married to a boy. Bleurgh!

It was scary.
I made a fascinator and it looked something like this...

Well...exactly like that actually. Considering that is a photo of it. Yep.

I also made tiny flowers for the tables... many that I never want to look at them ever again! But they are cute, so that's nice. If anyone wants any handmade wedding decor, then please get in touch! Sarah made bunting and it was awesome. And many other things but I do not want to post all her photos on here in case she does not appreciate it.

It is coming up to the new year now. This means we have to come up with resolutions and be positive about the year to come. I am working on a list. If I do not complete my list by the end of the year I will cut my fingers off. Probably not that, but I will be disappointed. It is important for me to write a list anyway as evidence, and then this time next year I can look back at the list and think 'yayy I did all those things, I am super awesome', or 'oh poop I better get on with that for the next couple of days so I don't have to cut my fingers off'. I do need them for knitting after all.

Anyway this is enough ramblings for one evening. And I have a headache.

Ooh I also made a scarf! See, I have been busy!! Maybe a tiny bit anyway...

Laters loves.

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